Here you’ll find a list of things we love and recommend. If you are interested in finding natural self care products, cleaning with non-toxic ingredients, swapping current supplies with alternatives, reducing waste and living more sustainably or all of the above, then this list has got you covered.

Most product links will take you to Amazon, where we earn a small commission on any purchased made from the link within 24 hours. Also, we do not earn any commission from any of the brands or companies listed — we are simply customers that want to share the love. All products have been tried, tested or still in use by us within the past 2 years, and if you have any questions feel free to let us know.

Books We Love

Mindsight by Daniel J Siegal
Heal Your Body by Louise Hay
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr Joe Dispenza
Dodging Energy Vampires by Christiane Northrup
The Year of Less by Cait Flanders
Enchantment by Katherine May
The Lost Language of Plants by Stephen Harrod Buhner
Genius Foods by Max Lugavere
Deep Nutrition by Catherine Shanahan, MD
The First Forty Days by Heng Ou

Nutrition for Humans & Pets

Farm to People for all your Seasonal Produce
Get to know Your Local CSA
Butcher Box for Antibiotic and Hormone-free Meats
US Wellness Meats for more Grassfed Meat Options
Sea2Table for a wide selection of Wild Caught Seafood
SizzleFish for a Sustainable Seafood subscription
Brodo or Kettle & Fire for Delicious Bone Broth
Darwin’s Pet for your Furry Friends

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